Dental Implants FAQs

Dental implants in Howell, MI are an option to replace missing teeth or just one missing tooth. Dr. Patricia Fuhst-Wylie and Dr. Anthony Kahn offer this service to their patients. 

If you have questions about dental implants, you are not alone. Dental implants are misunderstood, and many people don't know exactly what they are and what is involved in choosing one as a tooth replacement option. 

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

Almost everyone could be a good candidate for dental implants. Having generally good health is important, but age is not a determining factor. In the event you have some bone loss in your jaw, as long as a bone graft can correct the deficit, the implant can be installed. If you are a smoker and can stop, that will increase your chance of success. Any illness that makes healing an issue poses a problem. You need to have a serious discussion with your dentist. 

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a solution for permanently replacing missing teeth. It can be one tooth, several teeth, or an entire mouth full. A titanium post is implanted into the jaw bone and over time it becomes as strong and secure as the roots of your own natural teeth. This is the actual implant. Most people refer to the entire finished product as a dental implant and that includes the post and crown that is attached to the implant. The dental implants in Howell, MI, look and feel like real teeth. 

Can Dental Implants Replace More Than One Tooth?

Yes, dental implants can replace more than one tooth. However, more than one titanium post will need to be installed in the jaw bone to secure them. They can take the place of a bridge, an entire set of dentures, or a particle denture. 

How Long Does It Take to Get Dental Implants?

Every case is different depending on whether the offending tooth or teeth has already been extracted and if bone grafts are needed. Healing time has to be allowed. After the healing is complete, the titanium post can be inserted.  Then more healing time is needed. The crown needs to be created from an impression. Then the final product is ready to install and get to use. It can be from six months to a year. 

Do dental implants last?

Dental implants are a permanent solution. However, proper care must be taken to make sure that they give you the maximum amount of service. 

When you are ready to talk about dental implants in Howell, MI, Dr. Fuhst-Wylie and  Dr. Kahn offer all the dental services you are looking for. Call their office at 517-546-3180 for a consultation. 

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